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Note: Poker Pro Sites often have a blog section. Also, this category has significant overlap with Poker Magazines and Poker Forums and Message Boards.



All In bloglist All In Magazine Poker Blog list
  All In Magazine has a comprehensive list of poker blogs AND a "blog monitor" and roundup review of blog stories.
Card Squad http://www.CardSquad.com
Poker Search http://www.PokerSearch.com
  Large listing of Poker Blogs... many outdated.
Andy Bloch http://www.WPTfan.com
Scotts Poker Table http://www.ScottsPokerTable.com/forum
Suckout http://suckout.blogspot.com
Pauly's Tao of Poker http://taopoker.blogspot.com
Zee Justin http://www.ZeeJustin.com
Ros on a Rush http://roswell-42.livejournal.com
Cards Speak http://cardspeak.servebeer.com
Poker Prof http://www.lasvegasvegas.com/pokerblog
Poker Nerd http://www.pokerNerd.blogspot.com
Milky BarKid http://milkybarkids.blogspot.com
Matt Matros http://www.mattmatros.com/journal.htm
Nords http://nordspoker.blogspot.com
Bill Rini http://www.BillRini.com
Betting for Value http://bettingforvalue.blogspot.com